Product Updates

Every week you can look forward to new features
& recently squashed bugs in Altar Live!

September 19, 2023

Product Update - New Auditorium Seating Options

We get it - not every event is built the same.  So, we’ve added the ability to customize your event to have either rows or tables in the auditorium, or turn both off entirely.  Plus, app updates for a smoother Altar experience - no matter the device.

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August 22, 2023

Introducing Engagement Basic

Introducing our new subscription tier - Engagement Basic! Now for a fraction of the cost, you can gain access to all the basic features you need to engage your community – because creating a community should be affordable, easy, and engaging.

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June 20, 2023

Product Update - Chat Attachments and Bug Fixes

You asked - we delivered! With this product update, we've got some great quality-of-life changes to make the Altar Live experience smoother for both you and your community.

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April 27, 2023

New Audience Navigation Features!

It’s been less than a month since our last update, but our team has been busy with new features!  With customizable navigation, your events can be tailored even more to your individual community's needs.

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April 6, 2023

New Bug Fixes and Improvements

Over the past month, our team has been busy finding (and eliminating) all sorts of bugs.  From auditorium seating to help buttons, we’ve got several updates that will make your Altar Live experience smoother!

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December 22, 2022

New Host Features and Seating Fixes

As the new year fast approaches, we want to equip you with a few new features to make online church engagement even smoother than before. Now you can quickly move your attendees from room to room, and upload your pre-event slides with ease!

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February 16, 2023

New Scheduled Announcements, Polls, and More!

As the new year fast approaches, we want to equip you with a few new features to make online church engagement even easier! Not only can you now create announcements and poll drafts, but you can schedule them to send automatically during your event - freeing you up to personally engage with your digital community even further.

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February 14, 2023

Public Product Roadmap

Roadmap for Features that Altar Live is planning on implementing in the upcoming months.

The roadmap is broken into three categories:

  • In progress: Items in this section are being implemented right now, and should be available soon.
  • Planned: Items in this section have been planned, and will be promoted to the "in progress" section once development begins.
  • Considering: Items that we're considering, that will need to be planned.
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November 15, 2022

Updates to Mobile Apps & Analytics

Product update for Altar Live - Android, iOS, and Analytics update solving crashing issues and inaccurate reports.


  • "Back to Today" button for iOS on Events & Meetings screen
  • App Crash fixes for Android
  • App Crash fixes for iOS
  • Android/Web interaction fixes
  • Analytics reporting update
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October 21, 2022

New Templates Feature & Improvements!

We've added two new features - templates and favicons! Tired of typing the same announcements every week? Want to ask your audience members to fill out a poll every session, but don't want to constantly copy and paste? Try out our new announcement and poll template creation feature! Plus, make your community your own with favicons.


  • Templates for Announcements & Polls
  • Customize your Favicon icon
  • Updates to attendance analytics
  • Updates to mobile apps

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July 5, 2022

Introducing the Analytics Dashboard!

The Analytics Dashboard isn't the only thing that's new! We released updates to improve member privacy, give more control to the Hosts, and make creating announcements & polls easier. Check out our product release update to see it all.



  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Allow members to delete their own account
  • Choose default state of attendee's camera/mic when they join Event
  • Polls and Announcements are copied into Draft state on duplicated Events
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June 2, 2022

Ban a Chat User, Backgrounds in Meetings, and More

New feature alert! This week we released a new chat feature for your hospitality team and squished a pesky bug. Here’s what’s new: 

3 Features -  1 Improvements -  3 Bug Fixes

  • Ability to ban or timeout a user in Chat 
  • Choose when to enable chat
  • Events & Meeting page now defaults on the current day 
  • Change your Background in Meetings
  • Attendees List includes Anonymous Visitors
  • Chat won’t scroll to the end bug resolved
  • Troubleshooting steps for error messages

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May 4, 2022

New Event Features & Improvements!

Celebrate, because new features are officially here! This week released a new exciting feature that will take your Altar Live experience to the next level. Here’s what’s new: 

1 Feature -  2 Improvements

  • Ability to customize Event Space by rows and tables
  • Ability to set monthly recurrence 
  • Anonymous user name change

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April 14, 2022

Personal Meeting Room Improvements & Duplicating Polls and Announcements

Hooray for new improvements! This week we took the time to improve the chat feature in Personal Meeting Rooms, Polls, and Announcements. Here's what's new:

  • Clear chat for Personal Meeting Rooms
  • Duplicate Polls & Announcements

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March 25, 2022

Small Fixes & Improvements

This week we spent some time fine-tuning and improving features to make your Altar experience smoother than ever. Here’s what’s new: 

  • Default Greeter order by creating or updating event 
  • Removed Ongoing label for meeting event
  • Fixes color of Emoji number counter

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March 18, 2022

Bug Fixes and RTMP Issues Resolved

This week we spent time squishing some small bugs and ironing out some RTMP issues. Here’s what’s new and improved: 

  • Space between Name and Time 
  • Field Overlap 
  • RTMP bug fix 
  • Days repeat incorrectly on Community Landing Pages 

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February 4, 2022

Fine-tuning and Bug Fixes

Get your bug fixes here! This week, we spent more time fine-tuning and bug fixing to resolve issues and improve your online experience. 

4 Bug Fixes 
  • Cursor Jumping 
  • Youtube Sync issues
  • Host Notes 
  • Cannot update event error message 

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January 27, 2022

Altar Live's Best of 2021

Can you believe it’s already 2022? As we enter a new year, discover the most game changing features and updates that were brought to Altar Live in 2021. See what’s new and get excited for what’s to come! 

  • Streaming integrations (Feb 2021)
  • switch between pre-recorded and live video input options. (March)
  • Support for HLS (.mp3u8) links from DaCast, ChurchStreaming.TV, and other providers (April) 
  • Updated Community Creation flow (May)
  • Upload Pre-recorded videos
  • Community landing pages
  • Polls & Announcements (July)
  • RTMP Connection
  • Meetings
  • Rooms
  • Personal Meeting Rooms (Aug)
  • Recording Meetings (Oct)
  • Screen share audio & video
  • Export Member list
  • Emoji Reactions (Dec)
  • Vimeo API integration
  • Google Analytics

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January 14, 2022

Introducing Host Notes & Chat Fixes

You asked, we delivered: Host Notes! This week we’ve been hard at work getting this helpful Host feature out the door and continuing to squash chat related bugs.

  • Host Notes
  • Chat issues
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January 7, 2022

New Year, New Features

New year, new features, fixes, and improvements! Here’s what’s new: 

  • Download Attendee List 
  • Fixed page refreshes
  • Fixed direct messaging
  • Fixed ability to delete messages in chat 

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December 23, 2021

Google Analytics, Host Chat, and more

As  2021 comes to close. We’re bringing you new improvements and features to celebrate and take your church community to the next level in 2022

  • Google Analytics
  • Default Performance Settings
  • Chat Channel for Hosts & Greeters
  • Pre-Event Frames
  • Save and Publish Recurring Event
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December 10, 2021

Pre-Event Screens, Host Titles, and Vimeo API Integration

Pre-Event slides are better than ever. This week brings new features and fixes like new Host privileges, Vimeo API integration, and more! See what’s new: 

  • Pre-Event Slides
  • Host titles 
  • Vimeo API integration
  • Network Error
  • Issues with joining Events or Meetings
  • Find on Screen 

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December 3, 2021

New Meeting Features

Meetings just got a whole lot cooler! New features for attendees and privileges for Hosts and here to make your Meetings fun, interactive, and efficient. You can now raise your hand, send emojis, create rooms, and more. See what’s new: 

  • Raise Hand 
  • Emojis Reactions
  • Follow Me Host Option
  • Ability to Add Rooms to Meetings

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November 19, 2021

Knock, Knock

Who’s there? New host features, a knock feature for all Meetings, screen improvements, and bug fixes galore! See what’s new.

  • Host Controls 
  • Knock Feature 
  • Duplicate Event Fix
  • Recording Meeting Fix
  • Notifications from Other Events Fix
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November 5, 2021

Duplicate Events and Edit Personal Meeting Rooms

New features are here to increase engagement, effectiveness, and efficiency! Tired of creating a new Event every week? You can now duplicate Events for all your weekly gatherings. Need more space in a Room? You can now edit an already published Personal Meeting Room!

  • Duplicate Events 
  • Editing Personal Meeting Rooms
  • Chat Panel 
  • MAU Banner Alert 
  • Room Capacity 
  • Support Window display
  • Avatar Display Missing
  • Avatars exceed Room frame
  • Countdown Time
  • Time Window 

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October 29, 2021

Microphone and Camera Improvements

We’re bringing you TWO product updates in a week because we’re bursting at the seams with new features and improvements. 

Not sure if you want to be on camera when you take a seat with others? You can now join Events and Meetings knowing you’re in control with camera and microphone preferences before joining. 


  • Choose Camera Permissions before a Meeting 
  • Update on streaming options for Resi customers
  • See the Email and Admin status on member selector pop up 
  • Microphone and Camera is off by default when taking a seat
  • Recurring Event Series 

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October 27, 2021

Export Members and Connect with Us

New improvements and features are here to make your experience so much better. Now, you can  export member lists and if you’re joining a Meeting or Event, we released camera and microphone permissions tailored to your browser. 

  • Ability to export member list
  • Choosing camera/mic before joining meeting
  • Facebook Group
  • Guest Meeting Message 

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October 22, 2021

October 2021 Product Roadmap

Online engagement is about making people feel known and a part of the community. The month of October brought a bunch of new features that encourage engagement and connection, while also turning on more video conference features. See what has already been released and what's coming!

Here’s What’s New and What’s Coming: 

Improvements to Meetings
  • Recording Meetings (released)
  • Screen share audio & video (released)
  • Select camera & audio preferences before joining a Meeting (coming soon)

Improvements to Events
  • Platform Tour when attendees join an Event (coming soon)
  • Hosts/Admins can join a row or table even if it's full (released)
  • Choose between a pre-event welcome video or slides (coming soon)
  • Countdown timer appears when moving from Lobby to Auditorium (released)
  • Select which events & meetings appear on the Community Landing page (released)
  • Poll panel expands when a poll is sent (released)

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October 15, 2021

Those Pesky Bugs

Have no fear, the Android bugs have been squished, squashed, kersplat! Improvements were added to the Events and creation flow to create a seamless Altar Live Event experience. 

  • Website input to Community Sign Up page
  • Counter when moving from Lobby to Auditorium

  • Watch Party iOS users
  • Android Screens
  • Deleted Event Page
  • “Login Required” Page 

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October 8, 2021

Rejoice, Small Screen Users

Hurrah! This week brings many new features, improvements, and bug squishes. More improvements have come to smaller screens, hosts and admins have more special privileges, unneeded communities can be deleted, and so much more! 

  • Events adapt to fit small 13in screens 
  • Hosts/Admins can join a full row or table 
  • Ability to delete a Community 
  • “Invite Only” Events only appear in Events & Meeting list
  • Poll Panel
  • Button change “Add New Community” to “Create New Community”
  • Password Input Field 
  • Android Users added to “Members” tab

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September 24, 2021

Laptops, iPads, and bugs, oh my!

This week was full of improvements and bug-squishing! Altar Live screen content on smaller laptops, iPad and tablet screens are now scaled to size to ensure a smooth Altar Live android experience.

  • Help Button changed from blue to orange
  • Rooms in the Lobby can now fit up to 500 people
  • iPad, tablet and small laptop screen scaled to size
  • Watch party sound issues on Android
  • Crash fixes on Android

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September 16, 2021

SPLAT went the Bugs

Raise your flyswatters, it was a successful week of bug-squishing! Now you don’t worry about getting kicked out of the Altar Android app when joining meetings, disappearing chats, or announcement confusion. We patched some critical bugs on Community Landing pages and Meetings.

  • Community Landing pages were restored
  • Meetings should not be showing a white page

  • Users are no longer kicked off Android
  • Fixed Greeter chat disappearing for users
  • Red dot showing on Announcements again
  • Polls are opening as expected on

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September 10, 2021

Pricing Pages!

Pricing Pages are live, onboarding has improved, and more Android bugs were squashed! When choosing an Altar Live plan, you will now be able to choose the number of monthly active user seats that will best suit your community. 

  • Pricing Pages
  • Getting Started on Altar Live
  • Joining Tables Glitch on Android 

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September 3, 2021

Mobile Improvements, and New Live Streaming Options

This week brought some bug squishing, improvements to Android and a new streaming option! As you plan your next Altar Live event, you can now use as a livestream platform. 

  • Pre-recorded videos through Resi
  • Notifications on Android Chat 

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August 20, 2021

August Product Roadmap

August brings many new features, fixes, and bug squishing! Since July we have worked to meet all your requests and bring features that will make your Altar Live experience efficient, effective, and effortless! 

  • Onboarding
  • Community Dashboards
  • Personal Meeting Rooms
  • Meetings and Rooms for Mobile
  • Free Trials
  • Subscription Page
  • Pre-Recorded file size to 5 GB
  • Play Video Screen

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August 19, 2021

Community Dashboards

Community Dashboards are live! Our new dashboard style ensures organization and accessibility. Now, each Community Dashboard features personal meeting rooms, event creation portals, and areas to help you with your online engagement! 

  • Community Dashboard 
  • Personal Meeting Rooms
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August 17, 2021

Onboarding, Free Trials, and more!

This week events and meetings are even more seamless and efficient!  We have implemented the “Play a Video” screen, fixed a bug, added an “Ongoing” label, and increased pre recorded file size. Now your events and meetings will be better than ever. This week also brings two new features that will make your Altar Live experience even better than before! Our new onboarding process is simple and effective. And our 14 day free trial gives you full feature access!  


  • Play Video Screen 
  • Ongoing Label 
  • Pre-Recorded file size to 5 GB
  • Onboarding
  • Meetings and Rooms Mobile
  • Free Trial
  • Fixed User duplications 

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July 29, 2021

Meetings and Large Rooms

Say hello to the biggest game-changer in online church tools. Our most requested feature has finally shipped: larger Rooms in the Lobby and video-conference Meetings. Are you ready to turn off Zoom? Because now you can.


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July 21, 2021

Polls, Announcements, and More!

This is our biggest product release since we exited beta! You can now send announcements, create polls, connect via RTMP and multi-stream to Facebook and YouTube. It's all that and more!

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July 7, 2021

July Product Roadmap

July will be welcoming all kinds of new releases! Since June, we have been working on your requests. You will soon be able to see the many improvements we made to make your experience efficient and effective. 


  • Announcements 
  • Polls
  • Meetings  
  • Classrooms
  • RTMP Connection 
  • Ability to Relay to Facebook from YouTube

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June 25, 2021

New improvements to Community Landing Pages

Community Landing Pages are out of beta with new improvements!! You can now customize your community landing page to fit your desired look by choosing the light or dark mode. We also improved the landing page proportions and added badges to featured events. You can also see updated events in real time. 

  • Light mode/dark mode for Community Landing pages
  • Fixed Landing Page proportions
  • Live badge added to featured events 
  • Events that are live, ended, or updated will automatically be added to the community landing page 

Learn more about how to customize community landing pages.

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June 9, 2021

Community landing pages


Introducing the new Community Landing Pages! You can now connect Altar Live seamlessly to your website with a fully customizable event landing page. Use your own logo, color and even custom URL! Start beta testing today.

  • Community landing pages (beta release)
  • Customizing logos, color & url for community landing pages( beta release)
  • Backlinks from community landing page (beta release)
  • Ability to feature events (beta release)

Learn more about how to set up and customize your community landing pages!

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May 29, 2021

Chat, chat, chat


Chat just got a whole lot better! This week you will see chat notifications when someone sends a new message, the ability to turn off/on your chat notification settings, and more moderation tools for Hosts to manage the General Chat channel. Plus, so much more!

  • Chat sound & banner notification
  • Turn chat notifications on/off
  • Chat moderation - ability to delete and edit messages
  • Ability to give emoji reactions on chat messages
  • Side panel stays open when you moved between Lobby/Auditorium
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May 1, 2021

May 2021 Product Roadmap

May is going to be a big month of releases! Since our exit from beta in April, we are excited to be focusing on some long-requested features. Here's what we're shipping this month...

Here's what's coming:

  • Default events to open on mobile browsers
  • New community creation flow
  • New Events & Meeting screen design on mobile
  • Social logins on Android & iOS
  • Ability to name table from lobby on iOS apps
  • New automated greeter message flow
  • Uploading pre-recorded video directly to Altar Live
  • Chat notifications
  • Chat moderation
  • Turn off/on General Chat
  • Community landing pages
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May 22, 2021

Uploading pre-recorded videos


This week is a big release! You can now upload pre-recorded videos directly to Altar Live. Once you upload a video file, the system will upload and then transcode the video to optimize your video for attendees on mobile devices and slow internet connections.

  • Uploading pre-recorded videos
  • The default event start time is now set to +1 hour to the current time
  • Direct messaging bugs fixed on events over 100 members
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May 15, 2021

Improving hospitality & small details


We believe in hospitality, which is why this week we've improved the automated greeter message flow so your online host team's message inbox is more streamlined. You'll also notice lots of small, but delightful improvements across the platform.

  • New automated greeter message flow
  • Icon for leave table/row is more clear
  • Countdown timer shows seconds again
  • Event start and end time picker is more intuitive
  • Number of attendee counter is shown again
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May 1, 2021

New community creation flow


This week, we're also simplifying the new community creation process, an important step in making the creation of an online community easy and seamless.

  • New community creation flow
  • Making the whole table clickable in the Lobby
  • New Events & Meeting screen design on mobile!
  • Ability to name table from lobby on iOS apps
  • Google won’t ask for your Gender when you create a new account

Plus did you see our update from last week about updating your recurring event links?

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April 24, 2021

Updating Recurring Links


This week we released even more updates to events on mobile browsers!  Plus, we have some important updates to your event links:

  • Swap out your iframe embed codes
  • Update your recurring event links

We also made some improvements to the platform this week:

  • New countdown design
  • Facebook videos are synced on mobile
  • Vimeo videos are synced on mobile
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April 17, 2021

Mobile browser support & HLS stream links

Today, we’re making it possible to join events on mobile browsers, an important step in making Altar events easy and seamless to join - no matter what device you're on! Plus, we now support HLS (.mp3u8) links from DaCast, ChurchStreaming.TV, and more!

Here's what's new:

  • Join events on mobile browsers
  • Support for HLS (.mp3u8) links from DaCast, ChurchStreaming.TV, and other providers!
  • Video feeds will now auto-play if you started the event in the Lobby mode and then moved people into the Event after the countdown timer passed
  • You can now invite other people to join the event with "Share Invitation" button on the iOS app
  • Profile pictures from Facebook are shown correctly on mobile apps

P.S. Do you use iframe embed code to connect your video feed? Check out a better way to stream with HLS links from DaCast, ChurchStreaming.TV, and other providers!

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April 10, 2021

Same vision, new look

Today we’re releasing our biggest update since entering beta last December.

The Altar team is pioneering how we do the work of the church online by virtual spaces for deep and meaningful connection, where people can be heard, known and understood. It’s taken months of explorations, testing, and iterations to bring to life.

When we started our redesign process, we had three main goals:

  • Radically improve navigation around the platform
  • Create a seamless viewing and interactive experience
  • Simplify the process of joining an event and allowing permissions

We’re confident this update will make your experience of Altar Live delightful and marked by hospitable, virtual conversations.

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April 10, 2021

We're out of beta!

After 5 months in beta, we're excited to share that Altar Live is now fully released. After months of hard work behind the scenes, we're thrilled to introduce you to our new design.

Here's what's new:

1 Announcement • 3 Features
  • Intuitive new design for both watch parties and lobby
  • Seamless and continuous live streaming
  • Helpful new camera and permissions flow

P.S. Have you checked out the new apps? Download them today from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

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April 3, 2021

Mobile apps are released!

Spring is here and so are the long-awaited mobile apps! Online engagement should be delightful, that’s why we’ve designed frictionless and intuitive apps so your community can join your events on any device. Head to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store today to try them out for yourself.

Here's what's new:

  • Mobile apps now available for download in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store
  • Engage with your community
  • Take a seat with someone else
  • Move between tables in the lobby
  • Chat with other participants
  • See who else is online
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March 27, 2021

Beta apps & pre-recorded video sync


This week we’re introducing a few big updates to our iOS and Android apps, which are currently in beta. (Want access? Send us a message and we'll send instructions.) We’re also making it easier to connect pre-recorded video to ensure synchronization.

  • You can now switch between pre-recorded and live video input options.
  • People who experience internet lag and then reconnect won't disappear from a table or watch party or from the member list
  • Videos are now self-mirrored
  • Mobile apps have now been released to beta

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March 20, 2021

Improving event creation


With Altar Live, setting up and running events should be simple and straightforward, and editing should always be effortless. This week, we're introducing more improvements to recurring events, and much more!

  • Custom text is shown after you specify recurrence
  • Recurring events cannot be edited to be non-recurring once they are created
  • Design improvements to Altar on Safari browsers
  • 'Connected interrupted' message shows consistently for other users when user loses internet connection
  • Profile pictures will display as updated everywhere on the platform when user changes it

Have you tried setting up recurring events yet? Learn more about how to create recurring events with static links.

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March 13, 2021

Resolving common issues


Each week, we aim to make Altar more intuitive, more stable, and more delightful. With this week's update, we did a lot of work behind the scenes. On your end, you will see improvements!

  • Event countdown is consistently centered
  • Live stream video height is proportional on big screens
  • Ability to take see pew view even if you have not granted camera/mic permissions

Plus, check out our support guides for resolving common issues on Altar.

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March 6, 2021

Recurring & shareable links


It's finally here: recurring events and static URLs! If you want to use the same URL for a certain type of event (i.e. weekly Sunday service, morning Bible study, etc), you will want to create a recurring event series. Plus, we've also changed the links on events so they are shareable on Facebook. Keep reading for more long-awaited updates!

  • Recurring events have static URLs so you can use the same event link week after week
  • Links are now shareable on Facebook
  • Greeters aren't automatically moved into a new chat message with people who join the event
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February 27, 2021

Backend optimization for big results

5 Improvements

This was a big week for optimization across the Altar Live platform. We worked on reducing data consumption needs, server distribution, and client processing power. In everyday English, this means you will see more stability in both chat and video conferencing. Read on for more specifics on what we did to the backend!

  • Improved client processing power, reduced data consumption needs, and increased global communication servers coverage
  • No length limit to General Chat messages
  • General Chat optimization for larger groups
  • Facebook profile pictures no longer shown as broken
  • Ongoing event label will show on event card again
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February 19, 2021

Seamless transitions

2 Features • 2 Improvements

Some weeks we don't have as many updates to share because we are busy working on our next big releases behind the scenes. While this is a lighter week of updates, we did make some improvements to the flow of events in Altar Live.​

  • Banner countdown when Host moves everyone from Event to Lobby
  • General chat is now enabled 60 minutes before the event begins
  • No longer required to add a profile picture when creating an account
  • Fixed error when inviting people with your community link
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February 10, 2021

Significant improvements to stability

3 Features • 7 Improvements

Whether you created an account in Altar Live a day ago or have been with us since our launch, you know that we have been hard at work to continually stabilize the video-conference. We are excited to announce that today we released some significant updates in Altar Live. These are the first of many that will be rolling out in the coming weeks. Check out all the stability updates:

  • Video disconnection will fix itself
  • Seeing and hearing other people
  • Member names not appearing on the list
  • Resinated ability to add yourself as Host/Greeter
  • Event creation options simplified
  • Sent messages are now grouped
  • Member list updates when anonymous users log in
  • Notifications icon for unread direct messages
  • Date/time tooltip to sent messages
  • Member no longer showing the wrong name
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February 6, 2021

A brand new look

3 Features • 4 Improvements • 1 Known Issue

After months of hard work behind the scenes, we're thrilled to introduce you to our new design and new sign in flow. This week, we shipped:

  • New community design
  • Find your community search
  • Sign in faster with magic sign in link
  • Restream widget sizing is fixed
  • Show me around Altar tour works again
  • Invite a friend to the Demo
  • Email verification email sends consistently
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January 30, 2021

A focus on deleting & fixes

2 Features • 5 Improvements

You asked, and we heard you: deleting events is now available! Some weeks, our product updates are exploding with exciting new features. Other weeks, we focus on fine-tuning existing behavior. Guess which type of week this is? Updates include:

  • Ability to delete events
  • New design for event cards
  • Fixed direct message bug
  • The “send invitation immediately” option is checked by default
  • Upgrade your plan from the event creation flow is responsive again
  • Number of members online label is consistent on all screens
  • Add New Member button is responsive again
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January 22, 2021

Ready, set, chat!

2 Features • 3 Improvements

Let the chorus of "good mornings" and "amen's" flow! You now have a way to communicate to everyone on the event in one general chat channel. Chat also got some other updates and bug fixes this week:

  • Tool tips show you what buttons do
  • Cursor jumping is resolved
  • Spinning wheel in chat is gone
  • Live stream errors were addresses
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January 16, 2021

Be seen and heard

3 Features • 3 Improvements

We know everyone has a different setup at home. Using an external camera or mic? No problemo - you can now easily change your audio and video input. That’s not the only way we’ve improvement ease of finding, seeing and hearing other participants this week:

  • Find on screen option helps you find seated people
  • Now integrating with Castr
  • Ability to join a table without video permissions
  • Start a new message defaults to only online members
  • Updates to Safari browser compatibility

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February 6, 2021

New year, new updates

3 Features • 4 Improvements

New year, new features. This week there’s even more to love about the lobby. Tables can now be named! Name a Prayer Table or Welcome Table, or the Donut-lovers Table. Go crazy. But that’s not all that’s new this week:

  • More streaming integrations
  • Edit you profile during an event
  • New look for event titles
  • Go attend an event at another church
  • Greeters can chat with visitors
  • Upload even more pre-event slides
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February 24, 2021

Tidings of good features

4 Features • 4 Improvements

In our last update of 2020, we come bearing gifts! In this release, you’ll see:

  • Pre-recorded videos synchronized for all participants
  • A new look for the lobby
  • Ability to collapse your table view
  • One minute countdown before event ends
  • New banner notifications
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December 11, 2020

Worship together

2 New Features - 1 New Improvement - 2 Known Issues

A whole new way of doing church has arrived. Watch parties are here! You can actually turn to your neighbor online and “pass the peace” or pray with someone in real time over video. But that’s not the only good news:

  • New pew view & video-conference watch parties
  • Easier sign with Google
  • Fully supported on all browsers
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