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一分钟极速赛车开奖网 极速赛车一分钟开奖结果查询 168开奖网极速赛车历史记录 Offer online church services, events & small groups that make your online attendees feel as connected to your church as your in-person ones. Plus, you can replace all your Zoom subscriptions with one Altar Live account.

Features with results
This year alone, Altar users engaged in big ways


Joined tables


Joined rows


Joined lobby rooms
70% of users return without even logging in.
And with Altar Live, you can not only know when visitors return, but reach out to them in real time.
Over 60K meeting joins and counting.
That’s 60K times people chose Altar Live over Zoom, Google Meet, or Teams.
This year alone, Altar Live saw 32K anonymous users.
That’s 32K people who would usually be lost in cyberspace.
Serving visionaries

168极速赛车正规官方平台(官方)官方网站 Churches who use us

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  • People are watching, but not participating

  • You don’t know who’s attending, who’s leaving and who to follow up with afterwards

  • Online attendees are not taking actions your church would like to see

  • You need a roadmap and strategy for your online outreach

Try Altar For Free
Level Up Your Live Stream Ministry

Start growing your online church with a platform that works

Altar Live provides video conferencing software, consulting & training specifically designed for churches. You can use Altar as the virtual front door to your church or an online campus, plus replace all your Zoom subscriptions.
Keep People Coming Back
Increase the number of visitors who come back week after week.
Know Who is Attending
Stop guessing at who is on the other side of the screen - get detailed analytics on everyone who joins.
Simple & Easy Experience
Intuitive even for less tech-savvy folks, plus our support staff is always on call to help.
Have A Growth Plan
We'll help you create a launch plan and a growth strategy for both the near & long term.
Training for Your Staff
Let us train your staff to run & support your online community

This is called Engagement

And every feature on Altar Live is built to do this.
Way better than Zoom
Incredibly easy & simple
Training for your staff
Try Altar For Free

Join the Movement

Altar is designed by digital experience experts to create compelling online communities with high participation.
And it works.

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Create meaningful and engaging events and meetings where people feel like they are a part of something bigger.

Personally meet & greet everyone

  • Create a welcoming & energetic environment online that feels like being in-person.

  • Easily see who else is joining your online event with visualized icons on screen.

  • Build trust and connection with first time visitors and regular attendees by getting to know them over direct message or connecting more personally through private 1:1 video conference.

Keep people engaged
7 days a week

  • All-in-one platform for your live stream events and video conference meetings - Altar Live Meetings are a Zoom alternative.

  • Make it easy and accessible for people to know what is happening online.

  • Host small groups, marriage retreats, next steps classes, and even staff meetings with Altar Live Meetings.

Know who is actually watching & engaging

  • Stop guessing who is on the other side of the screen.

  • Get notified when someone joins your events or meeting for the first time so you can follow up with them.

  • Get analytic insight into both anonymous visitors and regular attendees so you can understand who is engaging with you online.

  • Keep it organized by connecting all this data to your Church Management system with our custom integrations.

Previously, we used to see a 50% drop off when the “offical” portion of our online event ended. But with Altar Live, 80% stuck around afterward to chat for 15+ minutes. Altar’s features afforded us an ability not possible with Zoom or other platforms.

Adam Graber, FaithTech

People use Zoom for work, for meetings, family reunions etc. We need something different that is a departure from what everyone is using daily.

Rev. Sharon Moore, St. Andrew's AME

Altar Live have created a product that makes it possible for us to engage our remote participants in real community.
We have found it to be a flexible and intuitive tool for discipling people, empowering small group leaders, facilitating conversation, and enjoying real interaction. We love Altar Live!

Joel Tate, Furnace Brook
Weslyan Church
Chloe McElyea, The Table UMC

Altar Live has allowed us to continue engaging those who can only access worship from home. Different from social media platforms, Altar Live allows us to a beautiful way to build community across distance and time. I now know and have worshipped with people who I have yet
to meet in person.

Get Started today

Start Growing Your Online Church with Altar Live

Online ministry doesn’t have to be rocket science. We’ve helped over 1,300 churches take their online ministry to the next level and we can’t wait to help yours do the same.
Start a 30-Day
Free Trial
Meet with us to learn more, see how Altar Live works, and start dreaming about your online church's potential.
Create a launch plan with us
We'll help you create a game plan to introduce Altar Live to your community & make the transition seamless.
Get Training with Our Consultants
Schedule training sessions with our Engagement Consultants and we'll make sure your entire team feels confident before launching.
See Your Online Church Come Alive
Start experiencing the same connection and community atmosphere online and watch your engagement grow.
Try Altar For Free

“This is the way online church should be in 2023.”

Andy Falleur,
Calvary Fellowship of Ottawa

"We’ve seen 80% of people stick around after our online events to keep talking with each other. Altar’s features afforded us an ability not possible with Zoom or other platforms.”

Adam Graber,

Use What You Already Have

Altar integrates with what you’re already using. Connect your own live stream and data management software, or we can consult you on the best options to meet your goals.

View All Integrations
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